Pirita Summer Festival 2024 Recap

This year, our club participated in the 👉 Pirita Summer Festival. With beautiful weather, we offered culinary delights for both young and old, raising an impressive €622 for our charity projects.

Many thanks to the organizers, volunteers, donors, and everyone who contributed to our success!” 🌟🎉

And a special thanks to our sponsor 👉 Paper Mill Coffee, who provided us like last year with excellent coffee.  ☕️

The International Women’s Club of Tallinn is a NGO and engages in helping women to settle in Estonia and in fund-raising activities that will benefit Estonian charities.

By visiting the event you help us to support our partners. All the income goes 100 % to the charity fund. For more information check our website iwct.ee

International Women’s Club of Tallinn / Tallinna Rahvusvaheline Naisteklubi
Post address: Lodumetsa tee 41-1, Tallinn 11912, Estonia
Email: board@iwct.ee
Bank details: Swedbank EE602200221015679894
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